
MindSet Mastery Rewiring Your Mind

MindSet Mastery Rewiring Your Mind

Have you ever wondered who you really are? What your life purpose is? What are you really meant to do on this Earth, in this lifetime?
Do you feel that there is more to you and what you can offer? If you are stillsearching for these answers, then you have come to the right place. The journey of self-discovery requires a lot of groundwork and can be daunting at times, as it involves revisiting a lot of your past experiences, choices and emotions.
Therefore, this E-book will guide you through all the intricate details you require in your journey to unravel your true self. This includes identifying your personality, awakening your spiritual dimension, learning to love yourself as well as embracing the change that comes.
It will no doubt trigger confusion, doubt, and misunderstandings, which will force you to make decisions that will affect your life. However you need to trust the process as it is worth taking and you will turn out to be an entirely different person from where you started off. There is more to you than you think.
Let go of your past and focus on what is about to come. Give permission to yourself to go through this journey and allow yourself to be vulnerable. When you open up yourself to all the possibilities this journey will bring, you will realize how rewarding it is at the end.

You will discover the most important element of all: YOURSELF.

Introducing Power Of Positive Thinking. Power Of Positive Thinking is a comprehensive self-help blueprint on how to achieve the Key mindset like any other successful world’s top achievers that will help you unlock Anything you want in every aspect of your life. This is the real solution that you are looking for to progress further in life with a simple mindset shift. Positive thinking & relentless optimism in any circumstance are the secrets to living a happy, fulfilled and more successful life — This is what this life-changing blueprint is all about.
This transformational guide contains everything you need to know about “Power Of Positive Thinking” — Proven & powerful strategies of the elites use to mould their winning mindset, the benefits of adopting a positive mindset, simple step-by-step action plan to train your mind to think positive in bad situations, how to develop your thinking systems for success… and much more waiting to be revealed inside this blueprint. Ultimately, this is your go-to self-help blueprint to unleash your full potential and create their own success story… A go-to self-help guide to those who’re 100% committed to growth, crushing your fears, insecurities, self-doubts and plow your way to far greater success than they could ever imagine.

What will you get inside?

The Power of Positive Thinking is a 100% brand new and unique Ebook that contains the latest and most up-to-date information on “Positive Thinking” that was written with heart and real-life experiences. Packed with over 10,000+ words written in thoughtful way that will ‘talk’ to our readers, creating 100% engagement and bring your readers into awe. Every bit of information has no fluff, but quality content that your users are gonna LOVE.
Now let’s take a look at what you’ll discover in this E-Book :
How Positive Thinking is proven by psychological studies to help people lead a happier & better quality life.
How to handle every obstacle that life throws at you with relentless positivity that will yield best results
8 reasons why you should embrace a positive mindset
The scientific explanation of how being positive helps you cope with stress, boost your immunity system & improve your health.
Are you suffering from the “BLUE” symptoms? (Find out in Chapter 3)
How your thoughts drive the way you feel about yourself and your actions
6 tips to build your mental muscles with positive thoughts
How to find out if you are a positive or negative thinker? Check out the 4 characteristics of positive thinker revealed in Chapter 6
ONE simple trick to flip negative thoughts into something positive
Why it is important to use positive language instead of negative ones
How to develop your personalized system for thinking, planning, and innovating which are crucial to bringing you closer to your goals
8 simple steps to wire your mind to focus on the positive … And so much more waiting to be uncovered inside!

Find More and Get Your MisdSet Mastery For $12.50


How To Be The Best Of YourSelf

How To Be The Best Of YourSelf

Opening Your Abundance

“Summoning gratitude is a sure way to get our life back on track. Opening our eyes to affirm gratitude grows the garden of our inner abundance, just as standing close to a fire eventually warms our heart”  -Alexandra Katehakis

In this E-book you’ll learn :

The hidden psychological barriers that keep you from changing;  Why goal setting doesn’t work (and what you should do instead); Why finding your passion is a waste of time (and what you should do instead); The key ingredients to change that helped you quit smoking, lose 20 lbs., and triple or more your income (with no willpower required); How the world's most successful artists and entrepreneurs overcome their fear and start projects they love ; How millions are taking advantage of the new era economy (and how you can too).
Instead of just reading, you’ll become an active participant in your own transformation. Buy this E- book now to stop feeling stuck and start becoming the person you deserve to become. This E-Book wrote for You.

Ever heard of a certain short story of a woodcutter who accidentally dropped his old axe deep in a lake one evening? Poor guy isn’t a swimmer. All he could do is fixing his despaired gaze on his sinking axe until it disappeared into the depths of the lake.
The axe was his only tool for earning food and shelter for his family. His long hard struggle is nothing without the assistance of his axe. Now that it is gone, it will take him days to make a new one or even buy one. The sunken axe has been with him since his starting day as a woodcutter and he thanked it for all the hardship they’ve gone through. More so, it has been around since his father’s lumbering days. As he was muddling in his own thoughts, the lake bubbled with flashes of light coming out from it.
The woodcutter was shocked at the sight of a water creature emerged from it. The creature assured him that it meant him no harm and wish only to seek confirmation of a certain axe that fell on the lake where it resides. It was holding 2 axes, one is a striking golden axe and another is a used, battered looking axe. He told the water creature that his axe was the old one and thanked the creature for returning it for him.
Touched by his honesty and sincerity, the creature gave him the golden axe as a gift. At first the woodcutter refused the creature’s offer, afraid that there might’ve been something that it would want from him in which he couldn’t afford in return.
However, the creature convinced the woodcutter to accept it as a remembrance for all the sacrifices and good deeds he has gone through all these years with humility and patience. Overjoyed by the creature’s sentiments, he accepted it wholeheartedly and promised himself to remember this day. The day where his long-years of struggles was rewarded.

For once in your life, you would like to feel the magic of receiving wealth beyond your wildest dream for all the struggles you have gone through. But as much as you want it to happen, things won’t necessarily go your way.
As for our woodcutter, should the water creature not emerge from the lake to offer him a reward for his honesty; he will lose his dear axe for good. Worse, his only means to earn money for his family. But it did, and gave the amount of gift it dubbed equal to the woodcutter’s patience and perseverance.

Remember the first paycheck of your life?

Try to recall the excitement and exhilaration when you first cashed out the money. The excitement of earning money using your own hands gives a much more personal meaning to it. However, it doesn’t come without ample obstacles and struggles. This includes your attitude towards accepting the money as well. Why is it some people who struggled as much as you do didn’t receive what they deserve? Has this happened to you, your close friends or family members? Do you know what caused it mostly?
Within the next pages of this book, you will uncover the one true manifesto of your abundance. It is more than just your well-known struggle but it starts as early from the way your mind commanding your nerve system to act upon it.
This command is highly influenced by the result of conflict between your mind and your heart.Slowly, you utter words reflecting your feelings and eventually you act the way you are feeling now.

The Journey To Be YourSelf

Hi there everyone. Welcome to YourSelf.Get ready to undergo an amazing, life-changing transformation with this program.
In this E-Book, we will show you the best tips and strategies to help you be the very best version of yourself. Maybe there’s some part of your life that you want to improve on.
Perhaps you want…More.And, let me tell you this one thing: It is your birthright to live a happy, fulfilling and abundant life!
Don’t settle for anything less than perfect. And here I quote Tony Robbins: “Set high-standards for yourself and don’t settle for anything less. You are the best judge of yourself and your capabilities.” Most people don’t even make a decision to change. You, however, are different. Different from the rest out there.
Because, right here, you have this in your hands –YourSelf: How To Be The Best Version Of Yourself.A proven system to make positive changes in any area of your life.Designed to help clarify your goals, focus your energy and radically change your life. All you have to do is just be open to learning and you must be willing to break out of your routines, habits and mindset.
Now, let’s head on over to Chapter 1-0 to get started on YOU. Let’s do this thing!

For More You Can Get It For $12.50


SQZin Turn Any Page Into Your Viral Squeeze Page?

SQZin Turn Any Page Into Your Viral Squeeze Page?

WHAT DOES SQZIN DO?  With Sqzin especially once you can used to it, you’ll realize how powerful it can be for getting eyeballs on your squeeze pages and offers. Here’s exactly what you can do with Sqzin:

Discover viral content you can share. Sqzin’s content discovery tool allows you to find news, videos, products and other resources as they go viral. You can do a search in any niche and get results that are ready to be “squeezed” right away with Sqzin.
Add viral sharing buttons. Social sharing buttons appear on the pages you squeeze with Sqzin; visitors can share the content on the major social media platforms you select. This helps greatly with virality and exposure to your calls to action.
Provide cloaking and tracking. Every link squeezed with Sqzin tracks the clicks and conversion rates, so you always know what’s going on.
Video squeeze pages. You can paste in a video link to create a high converting video squeeze page complete with autoresponder opt-in forms, added calls to action and more.  You can add pop-overs to these pages with CTAs to whatever you want!
Add customized headers. Each page you squeeze will have an attention bar header that’s totally customizable. You can add your company name for branding purposes, mention a special bonus offer, use a pre-headline, or do anything else you want with it to enhance your results.
Add CTAs and opt-in forms. This feature is gold! You can add attention-grabbing slide-ins that feature an opt-in form or a call-to-action button that links directly to a targeted affiliate product, contact page, or any other destination of your choice.
Interstitial landing pages. You can also implement timer-controlled landing pages that display for a set period and then redirect. This has many potential uses including warming up visitors or introducing your brand.
Password protect. You can password-protect pages that you squeeze with Sqzin. Only those who know the password will be able to access the content on the other end. Use this to increase engagement or deliver exclusive content.
What is Sqzin?  Sqzin is a Cloud based platform that adds extra value to ANY link you use online. It’s the easiest way to make more money and build bigger lists all 100% virally. No writing, No coding, No website even needed!

Yes Now you can Instantly Turn Absolutely any Webpage / Link (News Article, Quiz, YouTube Video, Shopify Offer, Affiliate Link, FB post etc…) whether you own it or not into a cash pulling, 100% viral squeeze page!  Find viral content or use any page you choose (news articles, affiliate links...etc) you can search videos, articles or products using our constantly growing database of content updated every 10 mins.  Turn it into an instant squeeze page with your CTA, banners or optin forms This works for any kind of page you can think of, making ANY share you make instantly more profitable … Viral Squeeze Buttons Social sharing buttons appear automatically with every link that you squeeze. Your visitor can share the great content on the major social media platforms. More exposure for your customized overlays!

You’re SQZin Links Drive Traffic & SELL for You
24-Hours a Day, 365 Days a Year

With these links doing most of the work, you'll be able to have more free time to focus on building your online business - or... just spending time doing more of what you'd like to be doing.  
Honestly, getting traffic can be one of the most time consuming and expensive parts of an online business - and this puts the tools to tap into an unstoppable source right in your hands.
Better still, this works for anyone

Sqzin  – Feature Details
To understand more about  Sqzin, so please read some unique Feature Detail.
Viral discovery tool
The content exploration tool is your unlimited resource to seek news, videos or even products as they become viral. You can do the search for any niche content and wait a moment it will give the best results which are willing to set your auto responder. Once you finish your search, all you need to do is click on the article you want and then SQZin will make it become amazingly.

Viral sharing buttons
This is the amazing one, viral sharing buttons appears with every link that you squeeze. Your visitors can share the great content on the social media. It means that your content will become more viral and many people will know about yours. Also, it helps boost tons of exposure for your customized.

Cloaking and tracking
Cloaking prevents your affiliate links from commission thieves. You have to keep more of your hard earned cash. Tracking is vital for knowing who is buying and where your time is best spent. These trends can help you get much money from zero to many dollars.

Video squeeze pages
It is to create high converting video squeeze pages with auto-responder opt-in form. You can profit by adding an extra affiliate link in a pop over call to action too. Or put a sales video from a product release, or an Amazon review video.

Customized headers

On every page you squeeze, you’ll pay an attention to bar header. These are customizable, letting you use all kinds of tricky marketing techniques like:
           Keep it at the article
           Rename it to something more targeted to your audience
           Add your company name
           Mention a special bonus offer

Add CTA’S & Optin Form
This аpp lets you add an optin form, becoming а clever eye catching leаd capture page. You can also place а call to action button, linking to а targeted аffiliаte product аs well аs а contаct pаge, or аnything you wаnt to use to generаte you money.

Interstitial landing pages
You can set how long you want to make them wait, what you want them to see and then where you want to redirect them after. You can make use of this feature to give them an offer about seeing the pages so that you can introduce your products before providing them affiliate links.

Password protect option
Locking pages is helpful for rising up engagement, delivering special items, bonuses, exclusive content.

Sqzin – How Does It Work?
With four simple steps, you can generate and Drive Traffic & Sell for You
24-Hours A Day, 365 Days a Year effectively:
Step 1: Search for viral and popular content
Step 2: Squeeze: turn your links into squeeze pages with hot header
Step 3: Display it on your website, share your link
Step 4: Enjoy the results and earn profit
It’s a very simple. Does not require MASTAH skills, anyone cаn do it.
Sqzin – Pros and Cons
        Easy to use, anyone can do it
        100% free built in viral traffic
        Sharing viral buttons, you can share on social media
        No skill or experience needed
        No writing, coding, website included
        Instantly add optin forms and CTA
        Newbie friendly
        30 day guaranteed
        So far, there is none.

Sqzin – Who Should Use It?
It Could Be Your Potential Supportive Tool That Can Bring You to Huge Commissions. Its Features Are Useful For You If You Are:
    +    Product Promoter
    +    Affiliate Marketers
    +    Advertisers
    +    Business Owners
    +    Online Marketer
    +    Website Owners
    +    Local Marketers
    +    Newbie Marketers
    +    E-Commerce Marketers

Sqzin – Price & Otos

Front-End: Sqzin ($25 ~ $67) 
Oto1 : Sqzin Pro ($17 – $47/Mo) >> See Details <<
Added Features Include:
·         Auto responder Integration
·         Wordpress Plugin
·         Retargeting Pixels
·         Custom Scripts
·         Custom Overlay Feature
·         Plus Added Media Pages & Splash Pages
Oto2 : Agency ($97 ~ $197)
Agency Access providing  the ability to create 10-20 client access accounts
OTO3 : Sqzin Cash ($97/yr.) 
Exchange commission’s integration unlocking their choice of done for you, 100% managed marketing campaigns to automatically monetize their leads. If they cancel after 1 year they get to keep and use everything they own.


ClickFunnels : Create Marketing &Sales funnel More Easy

ClickFunnels : Create Marketing &Sales funnel More Easy

Get Your 14 Day Trial Before Committing to Click Funnels

What is ClickFunnels?
ClickFunnels was created back in 2014 by Russell Brunson and his team. Since that time, Russell has turned ClickFunnels into a $100 million a year business and they just crossed over 65,000 active members as of August 2018. At it’s core, ClickFunnels is a software for building sales funnels. With a bunch of added bells and whistles. Clickfunnels is an online sales funnel builder that helps businesses market, sell, and deliver their products online. This tool simplifies online marketing, selling, and delivery of their products and services by providing users with funnel options that are pre-built for a specific business, product, or service.
ClickFunnels is a marketing and sales funnel building tool. That means it allows you to build a series of landing pages that drive your prospect from one action to another. It's similar to a marketing automation tool in that respect. The landing pages at each funnel step can be lead capture pages or sales pages. Lead capture pages allow you to capture email addresses and other details for ongoing marketing. Sales pages support transactions.
With Clickfunnels, it is easy to create a marketing and sales funnel from the ground up as it incorporates all the core elements needed to have a functional and effective sales funnel. Traditional online funneling means you need to deal with website hosting, landing pages, email autoresponders, and more and have them all work in unison. It’s all hard work but traditional sales funnels are time intensive and very expensive.
ClickFunnels Benefits For Your Business
ClickFunnels is a popular sales funnel tool that simplifies the whole sales and marketing funnels for all types of businesses. There are various types of sales funnels and each one needs to be designed and organized in a way that attracts its intended client. There are funnels for webinars, sales, membership sites, and subscriber list and each one are quite different from the other.  With ClickFunnels, users are treated to a a variety of pre-built sales funnels and all they have to do is choose the one that matches their business requirements. Selling a subscription and peddling an e-book may be similar in terms of them trying to make a sale, but they need to be handled differently. ClickFunnels saves you the time and effort to start organizing your sales funnels from scratch and speeds up your sales funnel setup.
Once you have selected your funnel, you need to have a template. With ClickFunnels, you are treated to a variety of templates and all of them are tested and proven to work. With a throng of proven and tested templates at your disposal, ClickFunnels accelerates your A/B testing phase because you don’t have to weed out templates that are not performing. You can use it to build: Landing pages ; Squeeze pages ; Webinars ; and Membership sites
What is the outstanding feature of ClickFunnels?
The outstanding feature of ClickFunnels is the ability to connect landing pages to form a journey. By using a series of landing pages your user remains focused on one single action. ClickFunnels allows you to create a series of these pages, all connected to each other. This means your prospect remains in the funnel which you have created.
Best For Affiliate – ClickFunnels Affiliate program’s is awesome
There’s no doubt that ClickFunnels has the best, legitimate affiliate marketing program that you can be a part of. The ClickFunnels affiliate program pays out 40% recurring commissions for every referral you make and you can win cool prizes like $500 towards your very own dream car once you hit 100 active referrals. On top of that they offer 5%, 2-tier commissions for referring people to the ClickFunnels affiliate program itself.
ClickFunnels Gives Your Business Everything It Needs Today & Supports Your Business As It Grows
ClickFunnels starts simple but gives you the functionality your business will need as it grows. No need to move to a new platform. PLUS... everything is on one platform so no need to worry about how your systems will connect

You also earn 40% commissions by promoting any product in the ClickFunnel’s ecosystem including DotCom Secrets, Expert Secrets or even the Software Secrets books. And ClickFunnel’s has a sticky cookie, you’ll also earn commissions on any upsells that your referrals purchase as they go through their specific funnels as well.
ClickFunnels also has another great feature for affiliates called share funnels. Inside the Settings tab of any of your funnels, you can grab your Share Funnel URL. When someone visits this URL, they will be able to add this funnel directly into their account if they are an existing ClickFunnels member. If they aren’t a member yet, they can sign up for the ClickFunnels 14-day free trial and then get your funnel added to their account.
ClickFunnels  – Share Funnel Page – What’s really awesome is that this share url also acts as your affiliate link, and you will get a recurring commission if this new user ends up staying on. There are so many ways to make ClickFunnels affiliate commissions by creating share funnels.
Here Some Of the best parts of ClickFunnels?
Best Feature #1: Funnel template blueprints   –  If you have never created a sales funnel before then ClickFunnels has you covered. Russell has identified 22 different types of funnels that he has used successfully in his own business. The funnel types fall into 3 main categories: Lead Capture Funnels, Sales Page Funnels, and Event Funnels. But there are some other special funnels like Membership funnels you can create as well.
ClickFunnels – Funnel Type Chooser- They include simple funnels like the Squeeze Page Funnel which collects a visitor’s email address and then sends them to a Thank you page when signing up. Or to more sophisticated sales funnels like the 2-Step TripWire Funnel which sells a low ticket front-end product (your tripwire) and then upsells them to your more expensive products using Order Form bumps, and One Click upsells or Downsells. In addition, each funnel type has its own set of free templates and paid templates. So even if you don’t have any design skills, your funnel pages will all have a consistent, professional design.
ClickFunnels Tripwire Templates – Here’s a high-level overview of how to create your first sales funnel:
Choose a funnel type ; Select a template ; Customize each page to fit your business ; Add your products and ensure all your email and payment integrations are set up ; Set a domain name for your new funnel ; and Save your funnel.  Your sales funnel is now live and you can start sending traffic to it.
Best Feature #2: Good Visual Drag and Drop Editor  – While ClickFunnels gives you a great starting point with its funnel and page templates, the ClickFunnels editor is where you can truly make each page in your funnel your own. Pages in ClickFunnels are laid out using sections that can have any number of rows and columns. You can then use your mouse to drag elements around and place them where you want them. The editor is very intuitive to use. Selecting components on the page and moving them where you want is very seamless. Text elements can be edited inline, and modifying any element’s properties can be done through the fly-out sidebar. Everything is organized in a logical way.  You’re not spending a lot of time hunting for what you want to do. No coding is required.
Best Feature #3: Nice Selection of Page Elements – Elements (or widgets) are essential for giving you the flexibility to design the exact pages you want and ClickFunnels gives you a wide variety of them to use. Basic elements include Headline, Image, Text, Button, Input forms and Video widgets. These are the basic building blocks for any landing page you build in the software.
ClickFunnels also includes a number of advanced elements like: SMS Signup ; Surveys ; Pricing Tables ; Progress Bars ; Facebook Comments ; FAQ Blocks ; Countdown Timers ; Custom HTML ; and Plus, there are specialized elements like Membership elements for your memberships pages and order and shipping form elements for your order pages. Each element can be easily customized in the editor sidebar. With most elements, you can change common properties like background colors, margins, fonts, and alignment. Then there are element specific properties like the image url for the Image element or the Button text of your button.
How Much Does ClickFunnels Cost?   ClickFunnels has evolved their pricing plans. In the beginning, they had 3 different pricing tiers, but they have now been consolidated into 2 separate plans, but they have   Free Trial. The Two separate Plans :
20 Funnels ; 100 Pages ; 20,000 Visitors ; Unlimited Contact Leads ; 3 Custom Domains ; A/B Split Tests ; Email Integrations ; Optin Funnels ; ClickPops ; ClickOptin ; All Advanced Funnels ; Sales Funnels ; Membership Funnels ; Unlimited Members ; Auto Webinar Funnels ; Webinar Funnels ; Hangout Funnels ; Order Pages ; Upsell Pages ; Downsale Pages ; Share Your Funnels
Enterprise – $297/month – ClickFunnels offers two enterprise pricing packages and a free two-week trial.
70 Funnels ; 300 Pages ; 100,000 Visitors ; Unlimited Contact Leads ; 20 Custom Domains ; All Startup features, plus: Priority Support ; Priority Template Requests ; and User Satisfaction
There are no ClickFunnels coupon codes available. However, ClickFunnels does make it easy for you to demo their service with their free, 14-day free trial. It’s not limited in any way which lets you give the software a full test before you fully commit. If $97 or $297 a month sounds like too big a commitment for your current budget, there’s also a semi-secret, unadvertised Share Funnel plan that you can also get access to for just $19 a month. You only can create 3 funnels and 10 pages with this plan, but it’s a great way to test out ClickFunnels on a budget.
The only way is to get onto the Share Funnel plan is by signing up for the ClickFunnels trial through someone’s share funnel link.  Once you put your email and password for the free trial you’ll then need to check the ‘Limited Shared Funnels Only’ checkbox to get yourself on the Share Funnel plan.
Do You need Your own domain name? Do not woory. ClickFunnel will give it to you for Free.  If you don’t have one then your funnel URL will look something like http://username.clickfunnels.com.  ClickFunnels will buy you your first domain name for free and even set up SSL on it for you. You can learn how to do this from the first game in the onboarding training.
Do they have an active community?  ClickFunnels has an enormous community. There’s the official group on FB with over 100k members and the ClickFunnels Avengers FB group (for affiliates) that has over 30k members. Both groups are extremely active and it’s a great place to get answers to get feedback on your sales funnels and answer any questions you may have. There are also several other FB groups run by ClickFunnels affiliates which are also very active.
What integrations do they offer?  For payment gateways, ClickFunnels integrates with Stripe, Paypal, Clickbank, Infusionsoft, Authorize.net and a few others. The one limitation with using Paypal though is that it does not support One Click Upsells or One Time Offers. That’s why I would highly recommend going with Stripe if you can.
  • ·         Best software for creating marketing and sales funnels
  • ·         Editor balances ease of use with flexibility
  • ·         Integrates with all major email and payment providers
  • ·         Beautiful looking templates for every type of funnel
  • ·         Great on-boarding process for learning the software
  • ·         Software continues to get better after every update
  • ·         Easily share any funnels you make and automatically earn affiliate commissions
  • ·         2-tier affiliate program
  • ·         Free domain name with SSL installed
  • ·         14-day free trial

ClickFunnels Cons
·         Limits on the number of funnels, pages, and visitors with the standard plan
·         Lots of things to learn, steep learning curve
·         Split testing is pretty basic
Which software you go with depends on your requirements and the amount of work you are willing to invest in your business. At some points ClickFunnels might be overkill for you. You can collect leads or sell your front end product more cheaply using alternative services. However, if increasing the average lifetime value of your customers is important to you, ClickFunnels is a better to try. Not only for the software but also because the training you get will be both inspiring and enlightening. Take advantage of the ClickFunnels 14-day free trial, and see if you can use it to grow your business.